Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Ware is jabun? I cant find him on outset iland User Info: catboylink. Top Voted Answer. Sail around the back of the island. You'll get caught in a whirlpool and can shoot bombs at a stone door. Since Jabun only speaks Ancient Hylian , Link is not able to understand him. Link meeting with Jabun in The Wind Waker.

Zelda Wiki. This wiki contains spoilers! Read at your own risk! Zelda Wiki Explore. Main Page All Pages. Getting Involved. Equip the Bombs and fire away at the large gate. You have a better chance at hitting when you're closer, so don't waste your ammo. There are three pieces that you need to blast in order to make the whirlpool stop. As soon as it's over, you will enter the cave and meet Lord Jabun. Instead of a dungeon, you will receive Nayru's Pearl , the third artifact you need on your quest to break Ganon's curse.

The King of Red Lions will mark three spots on your map that you have to now visit -- one for each pearl. Last Edited: 4 Sep pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. In this timeless classic with a unique and colorful "toon-shaded" art style, players guide Link as he sets out on the massive Great Sea to find his kidnapped sister.

Video Walkthrough 7. Tower of Spirits 4 8. The Fire Realm 9. Tower of Spirits 5 The Sand Realm Tower of Spirits 6 The Dark Realm. Skyward Sword. Skyloft 2. Faron Woods 3. Skyview Temple 4. Eldin Volcano 5. Earth Temple 6. Lanayru Desert 7. Lanayru Mining Facility 8. Isle of Songs 9. Lake Floria. Ancient Cistern Lanayru Sand Sea Sandship Volcano Summit Fire Sanctuary Thunderhead Song of the Hero Sky Keep Final Showdown.

A Link Between Worlds. Eastern Palace 2. House of Gales 3. Tower of Hera 4. Hyrule Castle 5. Thieves' Hideout 6. Desert Palace. Dark Palace 8. Swamp Palace 9. Skull Woods Ice Ruins Lorule Castle. Breath of the Wild. Great Plateau 2. Dueling Peaks 3. Hateno Village 4. Zora's Domain 5. Vah Ruta Dungeon 6. Goron City 7. Vah Rudania Dungeon 8. Gerudo Town. Vah Naboris Dungeon Rito Village Vah Medoh Dungeon Captured Memories The Master Sword Champions' Ballad. Age of Calamity.

From Zelda Dungeon Wiki.

But despite the many red flags, there was something about Joe that intrigued her. Yes, he was rude and arrogant, that was true. But he was also interesting. When she got home, Sarah felt confused. When Richard called to schedule another date, Sarah was surprised to discover that she no longer had any interest in seeing him. Richard seemed so flat and lifeless in comparison to Joe. Asshole or not, Joe was exciting and fun to be around.

For better or worse, he was exactly the type of guy Sarah found attractive. Sarah felt a greater level of attraction for Joe compared to Richard. This was in stark contrast to Richard who came across as timid and shy in comparison. Taking the interaction from friendly chitchat to playful touch, however, is what separates the attractive man from the unattractive man.

Your ability to escalate the interaction and become physical with a woman is of paramount importance. Why not demonstrate your interest in a physical way? Your ability to touch a girl to turn her on sexually makes a huge difference. If you need an urgent response to fix your situation, please don't hesitate to book an email or phone consultation with me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Everything you need to know about creating, building, and maintaining attraction can be found within these pages. If a girl's pulled away from you or left you, the Get Her Back Action Plan will give you an instant solution to your problem. This guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get her back and keep her.

Best, Chris PS. Sign up to best of business news, informed analysis and opinions on what matters to you. Those are not your problems. That is a problem that nice guys face, trying to please everyone and end up not asserting themselves. Their reactions are out of your control. Confident men go for what they want without apology and are willing to ruffle a few feathers along the way. I also observed that people with difficulty in this area of their life including myself often have a history of a troubled childhood.

This could be overly strict parents, a religious upbringing, abusive, absent parents or past trauma. They may feel a sense of abandonment, betrayal, not being able to fit in and feeling different.

Without paternal approval, boys may experience emotional pain that leads to attempts to prove themselves. Father and son worked side by side from sunrise to sunset. This was seen as normal. Fathers taught by example, apprenticing their sons into trades, simultaneously imparting lessons on hard work and virtue.

However, during the industrial revolution, fathers abandoned the workshop for a place at the assembly line. There is a clear line drawn between home and the workplace.

Hence, you get a generation of men who spent all their time with Mum, growing up with Mummy issues. When I started being a lot more introspective about failures and decisions in my life, I found myself pissed off and hurt at many past events and got really angry at a lot of people around me. The process consists of being introspective about past events that might have lead to current issues. The idea is to get in touch, process and grief through the emotions you avoided or suppressed through the years.

For example, if you feel numb or detached in intimate situations, why is that so? Is there a fear of vulnerability? Is it a fear of abandonment? If you fail to assert yourself time and time again with women, why is that so?

Is there a feeling of not being good enough? Is there a fear of failure and rejection? In many ways, this single ability submarined my business, dating life and along with many areas of my life. I was afraid of confrontation and going for what I want. For years, I used writing as tool, I wrote journals, I wrote letters to the people explaining misgivings I had against them.

It all helped. One way to you can feel more masculine is by taking part in group activities and learning to work with other men in groups. Developing male relationships helps undo your monogamous bond with Mum. Group activities build bonding and a sense of camaraderie. You can also take this opportunity to examine your relationship with your own father and seek out healthy male role models.

Male friendships have the potential for depth and intimacy because there is no sexual agenda. Touching her waist is a great way to be dominant without straying into overbearing territory. Try a playful tug of her hips to bring her closer to you on the dance floor or kissing post-date. This shows her you're interested and eager to take things to the next level. When you want to show her an unmistakable sign that you're in the mood, the inner thighs have it.

Touching the soft skin of her inner thighs is a great way to introduce her to edging. New to it yourself? Edging is a sexual technique in which one partner slowly brings the other to the edge of climax. Only to draw back and repeat the process.

Can you say hot? The idea with edging is to slowly and gradually build desire. By starting with the inner thighs, you can work your way up to more intimate areas. The skin behind the ear is very thin, which makes it particularly sensitive.

This area is also located close to the vagus nerve, which is one of several cranial nerves in the body. According to scientific research , the vagus nerve plays a key role in stimulating sexual desire. This might explain why whispering "sweet nothings" in someone's ear can be such a turn-on.

The phrase "vaginal margin" might not sound all that sexy. But studies have shown that this area between the vagina and anus is a small but mighty erogenous zone. To find it, sexual health experts say to start at the vaginal opening and then work your way down. The delicate area just before the start of her rectum is the spot you're looking for. Researchers say this part of the body is incredibly sensitive; you only need featherlight touches to make a big impact.

Not all women enjoy having their stomachs touched. If you take your time and do it correctly, however, the stomach can be a powerful erogenous zone. The lower belly and belly button areas are sexual hot spots for many people. Showing off one's navel has been something of a taboo throughout history.

But inappropriate touches cause a feeling of hostility, and a girl may no longer want to meet you again.

So what is the science of touch and how to touch a girl you like? A girl can react very negatively if you touch her face too early. There can be many reasons, the most common is make-up. Therefore, when you discover where a girl likes to be touched, leave her face for later. Moreover, do not try to touch the face of a girl you like until you become close enough. You can allow yourself to touch a girl even at the initial stage of a romantic relationship, but your touch should look random and unintentional.

Let her get used to your touches, then they will seem her natural and quite normal. How to touch a girl during a conversation? When you see the eyelash on her face, you can gently take it away, but your touch should look cute and caring. However, keep in mind that a lady may have make-up, and she may not be very cheerful if you spoil it!

Also, you can carefully brush a speck of nonexistent dust from her clothes or hair. Moreover, you can make a little trick: discreetly drop a small feather on her hair, and then remove it so that the girl sees it in your hand. If something new appeared on the hands of a girl you like — a manicure, a ring, or a bracelet, then take her hand on the excuse that you are going to take a closer look. Hold her palm in a bit longer.

And may your touch be loving and tender. You should be playful with a girl you like. If you fool around with a woman, it gives you an opportunity to touch each other more often.

Perhaps she will begin to touch you even more often than you as teasing can make her more excited. Let your touch look appropriate and unobtrusive. In addition, be sure not to grab a girl by the hand. It can be perceived as immature or obsessive behavior. There is a difference between pulling each other playfully and grabbing the girl so that she feels your rudeness. As you can see, touching is very important for establishing and maintaining romantic relationships with a woman, and there are recommendations for good and natural kinesthetics.

As a rule, women like to be touched. Moreover, girls have a lot of erogenous zones. And if you can find them all and know how to touch the female body, it is a great advantage in a relationship with a girl you like! Videochat Ladies Gallery Search Support. Log In Join Free. Start Videochat. Ladies Gallery Search Support. Lobe of the ear The lobes are one of the most powerful erogenous zones, so take this fact into account.

Lower curves behind the back Another place where to touch a woman is lower curves behind the back. Collarbones and shoulders If a girl comes on a date wearing a dress, blouse, or T-shirt that denudes her shoulders and collarbones, be sure to touch them. The back of the head and neck Even the ancient samurais knew that the back of the head is one of the secret erogenous zones of a woman. Her hands If your relationship has just begun, then hands are the most ideal and harmless option for caresses.

The inner parts of the body There are basic inner parts of the body where to touch a girl: wrist, feet, and a belly button. You can begin to caress her palm and then proceed with the wrist.

Built in and largely obscured behind a high fence and even higher hedgerow, the eclectically furnished residence has four bedrooms and 3.

Concrete-floored and glass-walled interior spaces feature a free-standing two-way fireplace clad in reclaimed wood that rises between the spacious living room and voluminous, double-height dining area. A long, shipping container-sized island divides the dining space from a sleekly appointed high-end kitchen fitted with lustrous white countertops and green-glass fronted cabinets trimmed in stainless steel.

One of the two guest bedrooms on the second floor has boldly patterned, emerald-green wallpaper and glass sliders to a small balcony, another was repurposed as a high-end boutique-like dressing room with lighted shoe shelves and a floral print settee. In the master suite, the boxy modernity of the clean-lined architecture is whimsically juxtaposed against a theatrically carved bed frame that might be equally at home in a Rococo palace.

A grassy courtyard garden at the front of the house includes a small, tree-shaded terrace with a huge built-in fire pit while the smaller backyard, accessible through a home office or potential bedroom behind the kitchen, includes a gated parking pad and two-car garage.

Somerhalder grew up in St. Money was tight, but he says he has only fond memories of that time. He and his brother Robert used to set crab traps at the mouth of Bayou Lacombe before the sun came up and fish for trout, sac-a-lait, and amberjack to cook for family meals. These days, when his plane lands in New Orleans, his dad picks him up and hands him a strong cup of coffee and a beignet before they take the twenty-four-mile Lake Pontchartrain Causeway home.

Somerhalder loves a good meal, and he heartily recommends the food in St. Tammany Parish. He recommends pausing at Abita Brewing Company for a root beer before getting back on the trail. American Actor Ian Somerhalder contact address details information. We are going to sharing some answers of people frequently ask questions like, how to contact Ian Somerhalder? You can read his all verified contact information at this right place. We can not share his very secret personal contact info due to his security issues.

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Are Shaun White and Nina Dobrev together?

Yeah, that Clorox! Clorox told HuffPost that Hidden Valley Ranch employs more than five food scientists, along with more than 10 packaging scientists, process engineers and product developers.

So how does one get into the ranch development business? It helps to be a supertaster. Edith Neta, the associate research fellow of product development, who has a masters and a Ph. I have , to a million. That means visiting their on-site herb garden or making a ton of food that seemingly has nothing to do with ranch, like homemade pasta and sauce for a deep dive into Italian cuisine.

They also eat out in restaurants to study menus, travel to conferences about food and listen to what consumers want. Once the team is properly inspired, a prototype is developed in the kitchen. An in-house panel of tasters trained to taste ranch their job is literally to eat ranch!

Why do people love ranch? You can drizzle it on pizza, dip carrots into it, use it in cakes and baked goods, sprinkle it onto popcorn. Ranch has even adorned Crocs and Halloween costumes. Ketchup is very specific, the tomato flavor, hot sauce is spicy, ranch is cooling so it can go with spicy food. Ranch was not always a refrigerator staple.

Not much is known about the enigmatic figure. At 35, Henson retired. He and his high school sweetheart, Gayle, then moved on to California. It remains a mystery how Henson devised his ranch dressing recipe. Clorox, which now owns Hidden Valley Ranch the dressing , believes he perfected what may be a family recipe while working in Alaska. As for the most popular non-salad food to enjoy ranch with — well, that would be fries and chips, of course.

In a way, it's amazing that ranch dressing even took off in the first place. Steve Henson's mail order seasoning packet business relied on Americans having buttermilk and mayonnaise in the fridge ready to go. The convenience factor was somewhat lacking. By the s, Clorox had at least figured out how to add the buttermilk flavor to the seasoning packet so that regular milk and mayonnaise were all that was required make the dressing. Hidden Valley Ranch introduced the first shelf-stable, bottled ranch dressing in , and that's when ranch dressing really became an American food phenom.

How did the food scientists at Clorox make ranch dressing shelf stable? Looking at Steve Henson's original recipe, it is caloric, delicious, and perishable. There was no way to sell large batches of a dressing made from buttermilk, mayonnaise, and some herbs and spices. The Hidden Valley Ranch dressing that comes from a bottle is a canola oil and soy-based product, with a lot of hard to pronounce ingredients such as "disodium inosinate" and "calcium disodium.

In , Hidden Valley Ranch released a five liter keg of ranch equivalent to seven regular bottles of ranch dressing , because why have a bottle in your fridge when you can have a keg of the stuff? Not surprisingly, it was more ranch than most people need or should consume. The nutrition label on a bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch lists the serving size as two tablespoons, and the keg contains servings. Hidden Valley Ranch contains relatively high levels of sodium and saturated fats that, if eaten in moderation, are pretty innocuous, but, according to nutrition expert Sarah Krieger , "In a 5-liter keg, there are servings of 2 tablespoons, so the consumer is in charge of how much to enjoy, but should be aware of how quickly it adds up.

Hidden Valley Ranch has had seen quite the growth since its Buttermilk Original seasoning packet days. They sell a "secret sauce" that comes in a squirt bottle in three flavors: spicy, smokehouse, and original ranch. They sell dips, and they sell blasted creamy dipping sauces that come in squirt bottles. They sell pasta salads, breading prep kits, and dip cups.

When it comes to ranch dressing, Hidden Valley sells the Original Ranch, of course, but they also sell Original Homestyle , which according to the reviews, may or may not taste different from the original. They also sell Simply Ranch, a line of ranch dressings that claim to have no artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors. For those seeking lighter fare but who still want to get their ranch on, Hidden Valley sells Greek yogurt-based ranch as well as a line of light, fat-free, and organic dressings.

They sell too many flavors to list, from millennial-friendly flavors like avocado ranch and Sriracha ranch to the old school classics like cheddar bacon ranch and Buffalo ranch. However, not every product has been a success. Back when ranch dressing was sold as flavor dry mixes, Hidden Valley had trouble with bacon bits poking holes in the packaging of the Ranch with Bacon flavor. Should Costco members and non-Costco members alike be able to wheel gallon jugs of ranch dressing to their cars?

Woodman's Food Market, a regional grocery chain based in the Midwest, certainly thinks so. The grocery chain sued Clorox in Federal Court for declining to sell twin packs of ounce bottles of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing to Woodman's, forcing the chain to buy single 32 and ounce bottles instead.

Woodman's alleged that the lack of large containers of ranch dressing would cause them to lose customers to Costco and Sam's Club , and that Clorox may have engaged in illegal price discrimination.

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Home games against the Missouri Tigers are held at this stadium which opened in It has a seating capacity of 54, and was last renovated in The full Arkansas Razorbacks football seating chart can be found online through TicketSmarter. There you can sort by price or location at either stadium so you never miss another Razorbacks football game.

We understand that purchasing Razorbacks football tickets online requires a great deal of trust. You need to verify that the tickets you purchased are legitimate. You also need to be sure that your private information remains confidential. Verified customers rate TicketSmarter 4. All trademarks belong to their respective owners and all visual content is copyrighted to its respective owners.

If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear here, please contact us, and they will promptly be removed. All references to the number of available tickets refers to the number of tickets from TicketSmarter, not the number of available tickets from the box office.

Jhene Aiko John Legend. Miss Saigon Oklahoma! Chicago Houston Boston Dallas. Philadelphia San Diego. Filter These Results:. Date Event. How much are Arkansas Razorbacks Football tickets? When do Arkansas Razorbacks Football tickets go on sale?

Safe and Secure Arkansas Razorbacks Football Ticket Purchasing We understand that purchasing Razorbacks football tickets online requires a great deal of trust. Baton Rouge. Tiger Stadium - Baton Rouge. This image is available through Creative Commons and has been modified from the original.

Email images seatgeek. Skip to Content. Browse Categories. NCAA Basketball. NCAA Football. Belmont Stakes Kentucky Derby. Sell Support. Events Parking. Games near. Filter by Date. All games. SeatGeek Buyer Guarantee If your event gets canceled, we'll make it right.

Similar Events. See above for a list of upcoming Arkansas Razorbacks Football games, click 'favorite' at the top of the page for Arkansas Razorbacks Football updates and if selected on College Football Playoff Selection Day see Arkansas Razorbacks Football participate in a bowl game. How much are Arkansas Razorbacks Football tickets? Where do the Arkansas Razorbacks Football team play?

When do Arkansas Razorbacks Football tickets go on sale? Does my child need a ticket for Arkansas Razorbacks Football games? Our Refund Guarantee states that if an event is canceled or deemed unfit for fans to attend, TicketIQ will refund ticket buyers in as soon as 15 days.

That means that you can buy from TicketIQ worry-free. For the season, Arkansas is also offering three-game mini plans, where fans can pick two games of their choice along with the Texas game.

For more information on season tickets and mini plans visit the Razorsback's website. Primary market single game tickets are broken down into three price tiers. For the Southwest Classic, fans looking to get tickets to the game have plenty of options. The most expensive game is against Auburn while the cheapest game is the final game of the season against Western Kentucky. With Portland State near the bottom of the Big Sky Conference, any chance of an update in this one is slim. Another Mountain West opponent visits Arkansas the next weekend and the result should be the same.

This game will be another challenge for Arkansas. This could easily be another loss for Arkansas unless they come out ready to make a statement at home.

Onyeagwu undertook the CEO academy and leadership training programmes. His strategic skills were further nurtured and honed at Columbia Business School strategy training programme.

At the Harvard Business School, he acquired capabilities in negotiations and critical decision-making. In the last six years, Mr. He is very well noted for his tenacity, entrepreneurial spirit, high sense of innovation and creativity and very inspirational leadership skills. Within the market, he is highly respected for his consistent and impeccable character, brilliance, deep knowledge and insight of the market, as well as for his strong professional and ethical principles, which have continued to endear him to all stakeholders.

With over 20 years cognate banking and broad executive management experience, Dr Adaora Umeoji rose through the ranks to her current position. Her dissertation was on inspirational leadership and her findings have been recognized as a major contribution in leadership and people management. Adaora Umeoji has presented lead papers at major academic conferences and symposia.

She has delivered several motivational speeches at strategic sessions aimed at mentoring youths and managers, especially banking professionals.

Beyond banking, Dr. Adaora Umeoji supports research and learning on inspirational leadership, mentorship, talent development, collaboration, change and adaptability, strategic thinking, innovation and creativity, amongst others. Dr Adaora Umeoji promotes the Pink Breath Cancer Care Foundation which supports several healthcare programs within the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Adaora Umeoji has won numerous awards for excellence and creativity in management.

Her contribution towards improving humanity has been recognized by the Nigerian Red Cross, Catholic Women organization of Nigeria and the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators among other non-governmental organizations both within and outside the country. As a result of her passion in promoting professionalism in the banking industry and improving the well-being of the less privileged, Dr Adaora Umeoji founded the Catholic Bankers Association of Nigeria CBAN , a platform she uses to promote ethical banking and service to humanity.

Umar Shuaib Ahmed comes to the board with over 23 years experience in banking. He started his banking career in with Nigeria International Bank Citibank and left in Prior to his appointment as an Executive Director in Zenith Bank, he was a General Manager responsible for private sector businesses in the Abuja region as well as supervising some branches in the northwest and northeastern regions of the bank.

His banking experience cuts across different geographies and several areas of operations including Domestic Operations, Treasury, Trade and Transaction Services, Branch and Regional Management and Group Head. He has attended several local and international courses at renowned institutions including London Business School and Harvard. Temitope Fasoranti, has spent over 28 years in the Nigerian Banking Industry.

Olisa has spent over twenty seven 27 years in the Nigerian Banking Industry. He joined the services of the bank in He has over two decades of banking experience. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. Dow Jones. Advanced Charting Compare. Open 0.

Income Statement. Balance Sheet. Cash Flow. Historical Prices. Advanced Charting. Employees -. Sector Banking. Sales or Revenue Industry Financial Services.

Chukuka S. All Executives Jim Ovia Chairman. Oladoyin Olugbuyi Chief Compliance Officer. Henry Oroh Executive Director. Enwemeka Non-Executive Director. Jeffrey Efeyini Non-Executive Director. The Corporate, Retail Banking and Pension Custodial Services segment provides a broad range of banking and pension custodial services to a diverse group of corporations, financial institutions, investment funds, governments and individuals. The Treasury and Investment Management segment provides investment advisory, financial planning services and investment product offerings to a diverse group of institutions and individuals.

It also includes brokerage services, financing services and securities lending services to institutional clients, including mutual funds, pension funds and to high-net-worth individuals. The Insurance segment includes all lines of insurance other than title insurance, while its life and health insurance operations offer a broad line of individual and group life, annuity and accident and health policies.

The Outside Nigeria Banking segment provides a broad range of banking services to a diverse group of corporations, financial institutions, investment funds, governments and individuals outside Nigeria. The Other segment provides share registration and funds trusteeship services in Nigeria. Zenith Bank was established in May Also in , credit rating agency Fitch Ratings identified its credit as AA- on their long-term scale.

The Bank has been in a series of controversies lately as regards its labor practices. The bank has developed a penchant for mass terminations of staff employment without regard to due process.

In this delicately wrought and profoundly moving, multi-award winning novel, Andrea Levy handles the weighty themes of empire, prejudice, war and love, with a lightness of touch and a generosity of spirit that challenges and uplifts the reader.

It is , and England is recovering from a war. But at 21 Nevern Street. London, the conflict has only just begun. Queenie Bligh's neighbours do not approve when she agrees to take in Jamaican lodgers, but with her husband, Bernard, not back from the war, what else can she do?

Returning to England as a civilian he finds himself treated very differently. Gilbert's wife Hortense, too, had longed to leave Jamaica and start a better life in England. But when she joins him she is shocked to find London shabby, decrepit, and far from the city of her dreams. Even Gilbert is not the man she thought he was.

All her characters can be weak, hopeless, brave, good, bad - whatever their colour. The writing is rigorous and the bittersweet ending, with its unexpected twist, touching People can retain great dignity, however small their island' Independent on Sunday.

Andrea Levy was born in London, England in to Jamaican parents. Her first three novels explored - from different perspectives - the problems faced by black British-born children of Jamaican emigrants.

But when she joins her husband she finds a cold and woebegone place, with drabness and filth everywhere. People never smile, and seem unkempt and rude, taking no pride in their appearance. There is no colour or life. Even Gilbert is not the man she had thought he was. And she cannot understand Queenie at all. Hortense is the least sympathetic character.

She is a village snob, narrow-minded, and insecure; genuinely ignorant of the world. On arriving in England, she has every expectation that it will be an upmarket version of her teacher-training college in Jamaica.

Hortense begins by despising the apparently feckless Gilbert and the circumstances to which he has brought her. She looks down her nose at working-class Queenie, and firmly rejects the idea that she has anything in common with the other slum-dwelling migrants. But Hortense soon discovers that her precious qualifications are worthless in the British education system, and that her status is precisely the same as that of any other black migrant.

Queenie recognises the differences between white people and black people, but pays little attention to them. In any case, she has little choice about this, as she has been left on her own, not knowing when her husband will return, or if he will come back at all. She too has had her dreams dashed. To support herself, Queenie must rent out rooms. Gilbert and Hortense attempt to adjust not only to a new country but to each other. The structure of the novel lends itself well to creating a page-turner.

All four characters take turns in telling their stories, and the heading of each chapter is the name of the narrator, to avoid confusion. Not that there would be much confusion, as Andrea Levy has captured the voice and vernacular of each of the four perfectly. There is lot of confusion in Britain even now, about the nature of Caribbean dialects.

This has led to a kind of dumbed down homogenisation of a pseuodo-black accent. Black authors who grew up in London or Birmingham have tended to consolidate different types of speech, from different regions and classes in the Caribbean islands, blending it into a kind of street slang, or a language familiar from some pop music, complete with missing consonants and apostrophised accents. Even more impressive, she does the same for her English characters: American G.

Queenie sounds every bit like a Londoner brought up in the early part of the last century and Bernard sounds like a man who has served in the Far East. It is remarkably authentic. Many of the incidents of racism are unexpected to an English reader, even one like me, who can just remember a mere decade later. These few years after the war are largely forgotten in the history books, save for references to the continuing rationing, queuing and food shortages.

But the shameful way black citizens were sometimes treated, are often ignored, or pushed aside. There were reasons, or at least triggers. The British people were just not ready for large scale immigration. Newcomers were seen as taking much-needed jobs, or food, when the country was still getting back on its feet.

Most people will have been conflicted. Yet to expect another person to step aside because of the colour of their skin, was inexcusable, and a salutory lesson to those now who are complacent that Britain has been a country with comparatively little racial prejudice. Shortly after this was set, the British government began to actively recruit from the Caribbean and encourage people to come to Britain to live and work.

There were plenty of jobs in post-war Britain, so industries such as British Rail, the National Health Service and public transport began to actively recruit from Jamaica and Barbados. Even though Afro-Caribbean people had been encouraged to journey to Britain through immigration campaigns created by successive British governments, many new arrivals were, like Gilbert and Hortense a little earlier, to endure prejudice, intolerance and extreme racism from some sectors of white British society.

Some of the early Afro-Caribbean immigrants found that private employment and housing was denied to them, on the basis of race. Trade unions would often not help them, and some pubs, clubs, dance halls and churches would bar black people from entering. Housing was in short supply because of wartime bombing, and the shortage led to some of the first clashes with the established white community.

Clashes continued and worsened into the s, and riots erupted in cities including London, Birmingham and Nottingham. This Act of Parliament made it illegal to refuse housing, employment, or public services to a person on the grounds of colour, race, ethnic or national origins.

I have no doubt of the authenticity of the book, as it pertains to that time. Andrea Levy not only has the anecdotal reports of the time from her parents, who will have often told her of their migrant experience, but she rigorously adheres to historical fact, including many well-recorded details. For instance, Gilbert and Queenie are involved in a wartime incident where the US army attempts to impose a segregated seating plan in a local cinema.

In another part of the story, Bernard is involved in a mutiny in India. All these instances fit well into an historical novel, as well as providing greater substance to the characterisation, and giving a context to the attitudes of different parts of society at the time.

The reliance on historical fact allows Andrea Levy a distance, which enables her to be both objective and compassionate. They are exciting to read, as well as providing much food for thought, questioning attitudes to discrimination. There are many types of prejudice working in this novel, and they are not always the ones the reader expects.

Hortense is as prejudiced as any other character in the novel. While living in Jamaica, she does not feel a victim of this. Quite the reverse, as she seems to revel in the special attention she is given, because her skin is more golden than black.

Her father, who was light-skinned, had an affair with a dark-skinned country woman. Hortense may not up to now not been a victim of racial prejudice in her youth, but she is very conscious—and guilty—of social prejudice. She looks down on people who speak what she considers to be substandard English, whatever the colour of their skin. She cannot understand why she needs to constantly repeat herself to other British people, as if she were speaking a foreign language.

It takes living in London for a while, before she listens more carefully to people, and realises that she has a strong accent of her own. As Hortense used to look down on people in Jamaica for how they spoke, people in London now look down on her.

We see how even this covert English racism was all the more heartbreaking for those from the colonies, because it involved the crushing of their ideals. They had been educated to a high standard, and knew more about the different cities and areas of Britain than many who had lived here all their lives. Yet often they would meet with incomprehension, as the white British often assumed they were from Africa, and had never heard of the West Indies. She is stunned to find that ordinary people in the street cannot understand her carefully correct speech, and assume her to be stupid.

And when she reaches the employment office for teachers, clutching her excellent qualifications and references, she is mortified to discover that all her training and experience counts for nothing in England. No one will explain why; they merely refuse to interview her.

When she tells them that in that case she will enrol in teacher classes in London, they merely laugh at her. Her colour says it all. No one will hire Hortense because she is black. It would be easy to contrast the two very different lives of Queenie and Hortense, or the prejudiced Bernard with Gilbert, or even to make the two forge a miraculous friendship.

But Andrea Levy does not take the easy way out, in order to make a satisfying but predictable story. Gilbert is caught off guard by prejudice.

His supervisor explains to the Jamaican troops that they are special black people, different from US black G. American negroes have few rights in the States, and so are not treated as well, but the Jamaican servicemen are given special privileges, because they are different.

However, when they arrive in England, they find that they are not to be given the jobs they had been promised. Gilbert and others had wanted to fly, but instead they become clerks and drivers of jeeps and trucks.

The American bases are strictly segregated, with the black and white G. The black G. Not only that, but the leave is to be taken in different towns, unbeknown to the residents of those English towns. Gilbert, being both black and British, therefore presents the Americans with a problem.

His white RAF comrades have no problem, but the Americans certainly do. I was perplexed. No, we were all perplexed. Bernard has no claim upon the narrative's present — and, at its climax, he finds he has no part to play in the decisions that have to be made by the other three.

But he does have a past: the traumatic story of his wartime service on the India-Burma border. It does something to explain the twisted person whom Hortense, Gilbert and Queenie see. The back stories are not just about widening our sympathies and chastening our judgments. They shape the plot by giving the reader knowledge that some of the characters never obtain.

Why does Bernard disappear for two years after the war? Who is the father of the child born in the novel's final chapters?

By providing their own back stories, the characters answer such questions — but to the reader, not to each other. Crucially, we find out that Hortense and Queenie have both loved the same man — but neither of them ever realises it. In a novel about the barriers of racial prejudice, where mutual incomprehension seems the rule, the narrative method is appropriate. It allows us to see just how unknown these characters are to each other.

Small Island by Andrea Levy. Week one: the back story.

In the first half of , Breen's policies yielded a 57 percent improvement in earnings over the same period the year before. Breen served as president until , when he became chairman, retaining the office of CEO. Thomas A. Commes became president. Acquisitions in the s included the popular Dutch Boy line of paints and its manufacturing facilities, as well as Dupli-Color Products Company, which specialized in automotive paints. The new concern was eventually acquired in its entirety by C-I-L, as Sherwin-Williams gradually divested its chemical operations.

During this time, sales of house paints decreased, due largely to the use of alternative surface finishes, such as pre-finished aluminum and plastic surfaces, in the construction of homes. This strategy was well-timed, as increasingly popular discount and home decorating chains that catered to the do-it-yourself market preferred to rely on one or two major suppliers that sold national brands and provided national distribution, rather than hundreds of smaller, local paint companies.

Moreover, in Sherwin-Williams added the well-known Krylon and Illinois Bronze lines of aerosol paints to its holdings. And with the purchase of the architectural coatings business of DeSoto, Inc. The addition of DeSoto made Sherwin-Williams the world's largest supplier of custom paints for the private-label market. The following year, the company purchased the Cuprinol brand name of premium stains, liquid sealers, and other coatings products from the Darworth Company of Connecticut, as well as two coatings business units from Cook Paint and Varnish Company.

The acquisitions paid off well for Sherwin-Williams. According to a article in Business Week, industry sales fell 0. As Sherwin-Williams celebrated its th anniversary that year, it had become one of only a few companies to lead its chosen industry for more than a century. Indeed, in the 15 years since Breen took over, revenues more than doubled, while profits increased almost tenfold. In new product development, the company introduced Ever-Clean, a premium latex interior wall paint with superior stain resistance and washability characteristics.

The new paint was launched in as part of a national advertising campaign which was the largest in the company's history. This purchase brought Sherwin-Williams into the residential construction market of southern California. To support the company's growth and keep its operations running at top performance, Sherwin-Williams had a software designer help develop an automated control system for its distribution centers.

Using bar-code technology and portable radio frequency, it significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of processing orders. For example, workers received electronic orders via a hand-held machine incorporating a radio, a computer terminal, and a scanner.

The computer sent orders ranking each tasks priority and recalculated the list each time a task was completed. When trucks were unloading at the warehouse, the computer determined where to put the goods based on what space was free at that moment, eliminating the need to hold a particular slot empty until a truck was unloaded. The early and mids saw a decline in new housing starts and thus proved challenging to the construction and building materials industries.

Sherwin-Williams, along with most companies competing in that business sector, felt the effects in the form of reduced stock prices. Nevertheless, Sherwin-Williams remained in a strong financial position; having avoided long-term debt and gained market share, the company was able to respond effectively to the shifting economic environment and was still intent on serving as "America's Paint Company.

Grand Cayman. James Press, As consumers, we often take for granted all the hard work that goes into building a great company. We see them around but we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Finally, we can read about how these great companies came about with Company Histories.

Copyright c Company-Histories. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Telephone: Fax: Quick search. Company Histories As consumers, we often take for granted all the hard work that goes into building a great company. Share This Story - Share. Maarten and Jamaica. This segment markets and sells Sherwin-Williams branded architectural paint and coatings, industrial and marine products, original equipment manufacturer product finishes and related items.

The Consumer Group segment develops, manufactures and distributes a variety of paint, coatings and related products to third party customers primarily in the United States and Canada. The Global Finishes Group segment develops, licenses, manufactures, distributes and sells a variety of architectural paint and coatings, industrial and marine products, and automotive finishes and refinishes products, OEM coatings and related products in North and South America, Europe and Asia.

The Latin America Coatings Group segment develops, licenses, manufactures, distributes and sells a variety of architectural paint and coatings, protective and marine products, OEM product finishes and related products in North and South America. The Paint Stores Group, known as Sherwin-Williams Paints, was the first section of the company to be established, in These stores market and sell Sherwin-Williams branded architectural paints and coatings, industrial and marine products, and original equipment manufacturer product finishes and similar items.

As of January 1, , the Paint Stores Group operated 3, individual paint stores. Sherwin-Williams also makes its own paints under the Easy Living and Weatherbeater brand names; those paint brands are used exclusively for Sears and Kmart stores. In late , Sherwin Williams began the process of purchasing the Comex Group.

Comex, currently private owned, is the 4th largest paint manufacturer in North America. The Automotive Finishes segment develops, manufactures, and distributes various motor vehicle finish, refinish, and touch-up products. Starting in , the business led a successful campaign to make school buses yellow.

Yet Sherwin-Williams has had just nine presidents in all its years. It still uses the same site on Canal Road where it bought a cooperage from Standard Oil in And, so far, its headquarters have stayed at the nearby Midland Building of the Terminal Tower complex since the building opened in Previts says the paint business was one of the first big clients of the now-huge accounting company.

Both Standard and Ernst eventually left town. It sells the Sherwin-William brand in more than 4, company stores, opening new ones at the rate of one every three days. It sells other brands in independent stores.

After this he is in Sabretooth's debt and joins the Exiles. In the ultimate universe Mystique is a member of the Brotherhood, and former lover of Professor X until he left her for his student, Emma Frost.

Mystique holds a deep seated resentment for this and thus serves Magneto's goals without question. When Magneto is imprisoned after the events of Return of the King, Raven is initially seen when she teams up with Forge to take Magneto's place in his prison at the Triskelon building. She is later replaced by Mastermind and Stacy X. She next participates in an attack on the Ultimate's headquarters in order to secure the body of the deceased Scarlet Witch.

She uses her shape shifting ability to take Iron Man out of the battle by turning into the Black Widow. While using this form she nearly convinces him to commit suicide before being knocked unconscious by the Wasp.

It is also worth noting that Xavier has a cat named after Mystique because the cat wrecked his office. Emma was the one that made the suggestion.

Mystique, now using Rogue's identity, and Sabretooth seek out Jean Grey currently under the guise of Karen Grant for an as-of-yet unrevealed purpose. After Sabretooth killed Jean's current love interest, she used her powers to attack him and told Mystique to "Leave She seems to have a romantic relationshipwith Wolverine. After her memory is restored, she slaps Wolverine and then continues to fight along side the other awakened heroes.

In the Marvel Mangaverse, Mystique teams up with her son, Nightcrawler and other members of the Brotherhood. She is later killed by Storm with a lightning bolt.

The Mystique zombie disguises herself as the Scarlet Witch in order to get close enough to bite Quicksilver. Along with the Blob and Pyro, she is later destroyed by Cyclops's optic blast through the head. Mystique left the Brotherhood of Mutants to work on her own as an assassin. She is dating the Blob in this universe.

She disguised herself as lots of women throughout the time. She then had a relationship with a baron but ended after the discovery of her newly born son's mutantcy. Mystique is the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants. She is Rogue's foster mother who trained her after she left her family. She also instructed Rogue on how to absorb Ms. Marvel's abilities. For her to have Rogue back from the X-Men, she disguised as Rogue making the situations more complicated for her.

She then became a close ally of Apocalypse. Nightcrawler also seeks for her to define the real reason for her leaving him. Despite her son's love, she declined him and told him that she hasn't loved Nightcrawler since, he was the reason of the Baron for abandoning her.

She disguised as a doctor that proposes a cure but it was revealed that she only used Angel to become Apocalypse's horseman. She then disguised as Angel in his absence. She had her biggest role in the Days of Future Past story arc, where she tied up and gagged an aide working for Senator Robert Kelly. After stealing the woman's identity, she attempted to assassinate Kelly and frame the X-Men for the crime, but was thwarted by Gambit.

She was voiced by Randall Carpenter in the first two seasons, and by Jennifer Dale in all subsequent appearances. She followed Destiny's vision as Rogue was recruited by the X-Men. In order to have Rogue away from the team, she have to give Rogue a bad image of the X-Men through disguising. After being exposed to Magneto's power enhancing machine, she could shapeshift not only into humans, but also animals, change her scent and become immune to telepathy.

After bringing Apocalypse back, she was turned into stone. Her stone form was taken by the brotherhood, but Nightcrawler took the statue back to the mansion. Rogue pushed her statue off a cliff in anger and it seemed to be the end of Mystique.

In season four, she returned as a horseman of Apocalypse, with her powers greatly enhanced. She appeared to be invulnerable and could transform into multiple beings and objects.

She seemingly became normal again after Apocalypse's defeat. She was voiced by Colleen Wheeler. She first appeared infiltrating the mansion in an attempt to discover if the Professor had regained consciousness. She fought with Wolverine and hinted that he should remember her. As she fled the mansion defeated, she discovered Nightcrawler who had teleported his way across the ocean from Genosha. As Nightcrawler was attempting to alert the X-Men of Magneto's plans she knocked him out and and returned him to incarceration in Genosha.

She was later seen breaking into the MRD in order to locate and free a dangerous young mutant. Mystique appeared later to help Wolverine liberate Christie Nord, Maverick's daughter.

Wolverine slowly recalled memories where he saved Mystique from being enhanced by the Weapon X program. They were attacked by Sabretooth during their escape. Wolverine told her to run and that he would find her. After the memories returned, Wolverine approached Mystique to apologize and ask for details of his past. However, she refused to say anything since the man she loved would never return. As with all incarnations of Mystique, she is a blue-skinned metamorph with red hair. Her eyes are yellow and she still wears the skull at the parting of her hair, and prefers to wear skin-tight white trousers and a top, instead of the naked rendition from the movies.

Her power to reproduce the anatomy of others is so detailed that she can fool the retina scans of the MRD. Yet she also seems able to reproduce powers, or at least has mimicked Wolverine's heightened sense of smell.

If she is able to reproduce other mutant's powers, and given that she has a history with Weapon X, then it would seem that her powers and past are a combination of the traditional Mystique of regular continuity and that of Copycat.

She was voiced by Tamara Bernier. In a fight with Iron Man she used her Black Widow form to convince the other squad members to attack him saying he is the impostor. When she regains her senses, she traps the squad heroes in a force field as Doom arrives. While disguised as Black Widow, nearly all the squad members were showing romantic feelings for her, giving her a multitude of chocolates and flowers and Tony even asking her out to an Italian restaurant.

During her fight with Tony, she did reveal she likes Italian food. Her appearance is her comic book form, although a more cartoony style to match the rest of the series. Also in this episode, she takes on the forms of Iron Man complete with his suit's features , Falcon, Silver Surfer complete with the board, although unable to stand on it , Thor, Captain America, and even Hulk although this made her seriously clumsy due to not being used to Hulk's size and weight, although Wolverine jokes the stumbling is an improvement.

She was voiced by Masumi Asano. In the first film, Mystique, portrayed by Rebecca Romijn, has scaly skin and reptilian eyes. She can transform into humans, animals and even inanimate objects. She was also able to grow claws, and may have a healing factor though she still retains scars, perhaps by choice.

She is able to mimic retinal patterns and fingerprints exactly. She also is a highly agile and expert fighter, seemingly better than Wolverine.

Mystique abducts Senator Kelly in the film after taking the form of his personal aide, Henry Gyrich , before revealing her true form and knocking him unconscious. Near the end of the film, on Liberty Island, Mystique mimics a stone statue and assaults Wolverine. Although Wolverine possesses superior strength, Mystique uses her superior speed and dexterity to outwit him before leaving the area by climbing upside-down on a pipe.

She later over estimates her abilities when she takes Storm's form while attempting to trick Wolverine. He quickly sees through her guise and stabs her in the stomach. When authorities arrive, she takes the form of a police officer allowing her to receive medical aid. She is then seen at the end of the movie to have successfully taken the place of the deceased Senator Kelly. Mystique returns in the sequel , playing a larger role. Rebecca Romijn reprises her role.

Because of her further impersonation of Senator Kelly, Mystique is able to find information on classified government information, which holds the location and information on Magneto's prison. Mystique helps to break him out by injecting a guard with iron-bearing fluid.

At the end of the movie, both she and Magneto escape Alkali Lake after setting into motion an event that could cause the destruction of humanity. Rebecca Romijn reprises her role as Mystique. It is here that they reveal that her true name is Raven Darkholme, although she refuses to answer to her "slave name" ever since her family tried to kill her. She is later freed by Magneto but was shot with the mutant "cure" and turns her into a human. Magneto then abandons her, saying that she is no longer one of them anymore.

She gives the government information on Magneto's whereabouts. However, when soldiers reach the base, they find Multiple Man's decoys. It is unknown if this was all part of Magneto's plan or if she truly did it out of anger. It is also not known whether her powers returned or not, as Magneto's seem to begin returning at the film's end. Here, she was depicted as being a runaway child who broke into Charles Xavier 's house to feed herself, and shapeshifted into his mother, only to be found out as an imposter via his strong telepathic abilities.

Charles took Raven in as a foster sister. Ashamed of her appearance, Mystique spends most of the events seen in the film disguised as a young blonde woman. Her opinions began to change when she met Erik Lehnsherr, who tells her that she need not be ashamed. She also seems to harbor an attraction to Beast , but becomes disgusted with him after he expresses a desire to develop a "cure" to rid himself of his mutant powers.

When the X-Men go to Cuba to stop an impending war between the United States and the Soviet Union, Mystique was ordered to stay in the fallen jet and to keep it safe from intruders. She eventually does this by ordering Azazel to stop what he was doing in the form of Sebastian Shaw, only for Beast to be able to knock him out. Following the battle between the X-Men and the Hellfire Club, after Charles Xavier is shot and paralyzed, he tells Mystique that if she truly wants to go with Erik, she should do so.

Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as Raven. The opening of the film takes place in the year , where Sentinels have exterminated most of the mutant population and taken over the planet. The elderly Charles Xavier explains that the Sentinel program began in , when Mystique assassinated industrialist Bolivar Trask , which not only led to a major wave of anti-mutant paranoia, but also sent her down the path of villainy that led to her depiction as a remorseless killer in the original films.

Kitty Pryde sends Wolverine back in time to prevent Mystique from killing Trask, thus preventing the Sentinels from ever being created. In , Mystique sets out to murder Trask, who is responsible for the deaths of Azazel and the other members of the Brotherhood. The young versions of Charles and Magneto argue what to do, with Magneto wanting to kill her, and Charles arguing that there is still some good in her and that she can be redeemed. Posing as a North Vietnamese general the real general had been knocked out and subdued , she nearly shoots Trask, but is stopped and nearly executed by Magneto.

With Beast's intervention, Mystique escapes and attempts to kill Trask again during the Sentinel unveiling ceremony on the White House lawn, but is once again prevented from doing so when Magneto hijacks the Sentinels and tries to kill president Richard Nixon. In a surprise move, Mystique rescues Nixon and shoots Magneto on national television, and after an emotionally intense standoff, is persuaded by Charles to spare Trask's life.

This results in the timeline being drastically changed, and the apocalyptic future Wolverine hailed from being erased. Mystique then leaves for parts unknown, and rescues the young Wolverine from drowning. At the beginning of the film, she rescues Nightcrawler from a mutant fight club in East Berlin, and arranges for him to be transported back to America. At the end of the film, Mystique and Beast prepare to train the new X-Men. Early on in the film, Mystique is accidentally killed by Phoenix when the X-Men confront her.

Her death causes major tensions within the team, leading to Beast partnering with Magneto to try and kill Phoenix. Mystique first appeared disguised as Professor Xavier between the 5th and 6th stages of the game.

She is a boss on the 7th stage in the form of Magneto, and attacks the player with punches and kicks that are far faster than the original Magneto. She initially appears as a boss character in the first game, but she can be unlocked as a playable fighter after completing the game twice.

Due to the difficulties of translating Mystique's shapeshifting abilities to a fighting game, the series downplays those powers in favor of focusing on her martial arts abilities.

She also wields a large energy rifle, which is used in the majority of her special moves. Mystique appeared in both installments of the game, first appearing in the introduction trying to kidnap Magma , and then as the first main boss. In the second game Mystique appears in the intro with Magneto and Sabretooth helping to release Xavier from his imprison. Later, she asks the team for help finding Destiny, who fled to the Savage Land in order to escape an attack by Apocalypse.

She has special dialogue with Rogue upon entering of Savage Land jungle. When she finds out that Destiny is kept prisoner by Garrok, she attacks him and finally rescues Destiny.

Mystique appears as a non-playable character in the video game adaptation of X-Men Origins: Wolverine though she is not present in the film itself. However, when she objects to William Stryker 's plan to massacre innocent civilians to get the metal, Stryker orders John Wraith to kill her.

Wraith instead spares her life, causing a bond to form between the two. Years later, she helps Wolverine rescue Wraith from the Project: Wideawake facility, where he is being held captive by Bolivar Trask.

It is revealed that the two have become lovers, and that she is pregnant with his child. The baby is heavily hinted to be Nightcrawler, with the implication that he inherited his teleportation powers from Wraith. She was voiced by Anna Grave. Mystique is featured as a boss in several mission in the game. She is frequently seen in charge of the Brotherhood of Mutants. She is an infiltrator class character. A mutant shapeshifter able to assume any humanoid appearance, Raven Darkholme achieved top-secret Defense Department clearance and used it to steal technology for the use of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

She is also mother to the X-Men's Nightcrawler. Raven Darkholme, a mutant shapeshifter able to assume any humanoid appearance and one of the key members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Mystique appears first as a boss in several missions. After a while, she became one of the villians released as a playable character. She is voiced by Laura Bailey. Description: This dangerous foe of the X-Men is a stealthy shapeshifter. They call her Mystique is featured in the mobile card game "X-Men: Battle of the Atom" based on the comic book story with the same name. Her cards are:. Her bio in the game says: Mysteriously ageless, Mystique has been involved in global espionage since the dawn of the 20th century.

She can take the form of anyone, making her a master of deception. In recent times she's been employed by Magneto, although who can say what her real agenda is? She's never been one to play any side but her own.

Mystique appears as a boss character in the third Ultimate Alliance game, voiced by Sumalee Montano. She is once again depicted as a member of Magneto's Brotherhood, and participates in the attack on the Xavier Institute.

In , Mystique was added to the popular Fortnite battle royale game as part of Nexus War , a crossover between Marvel and Epic Games. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:.

Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Mystique appears in issues View all. Character Creation Mystique's first appearance was in Ms. Origin Shapeshifter Raven Darkholme, otherwise known as Mystique, has a very convoluted history about which very little is known, the exception being that she is over a century old and was most likely born somewhere in Austria.

Character Evolution Mystique and Wolverine In the s, Mystique encountered the Canadian mutant Wolverine when he joined her gang of mutant pick-pockets. Raven Raven married Christian Wagner. She killed his father when he tried to reveal her illegitimate and unborn mutant son Kurt soon discovered that she was pregnant, although Wagner became immediately suspicious. Mystique's Brotherhood While still raising Anna Marie, Raven had concealed her mutant abilities so well that she was able to work for the United States Civil Service and eventually worked her way up to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency DARPA in the United States Department of Defense, giving her access to military secrets and advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes.

Without sympathy, Mystique was sent to prison where she eventually escaped. No, we're not buying it either. To be fair, a lot of characters who debuted in X-Men: Apocalypse are more age appropriate, including Tye Sheridan's Cyclops who was a teen in the film's setting. This would make him in his 20s in Dark Phoenix , an age we can totally get on board with and one that fits with the actor's actual age.

Same goes for Sophie Turner, who reprised her role as the central figure of the latest and last X-Men instalment and whose birth year is said to be somewhere in the late '60s. If Apocalypse is set in , this would make her a teen in this timeline and in her 20s in Dark Phoenix. The actress is 23 IRL, meaning the film has only aged her by a couple of years at most. Alexandra Shipp returned as the superhuman cape-wearer in Dark Phoenix , joining her former classmates to become a pivotal figure in the handling of Jean Grey when she is corrupted by the mysterious cosmic force.

Since Shipp is 27, there are no burning questions to her character's age, which is said to be somewhere in the late 20s. Also joining the team on the space mission gone awry was Kodi Smit-McPhee who once again starred as Nightcrawler. Just like his mutant pals, the on-screen iteration of the character was born in the '60s, making him something in Dark Phoenix — a close match to his actual age of Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features?

Type keyword s to search. The fact that the characters don't seem to age. Related Story. X-Men Collection [Blu-ray]. Disney amazon. In , Mystique made her big screen debut in X-Men , where she was cast as the mostly silent sidekick of Magneto — something she was not necessarily known for in the comics. Ever since the prequel series came out, Mystique has graduated from a sidekick to key player.

In Days of Future Past , she was even the mutant most responsible for resetting the entire series timeline. Mystique has since become a beacon of hope for mutants everywhere. How much do you really know about the character from both the page and screen?

Everyone knows that Mystique can change the cells in her body to look and sound like anyone she desires. This also includes manipulating her cells to mimic non-organic materials, such as clothing and accessories. You might not have known that this ability has also granted her the power of youth and regenerative healing. Mystique has even been known to regrow limbs and survive what otherwise would have been fatal injuries, similarly to Deadpool and Wolverine.

Throughout her time in the comics, Mystique's powers have also been buffed to include everything from night vision to poison resistance. She has also been granted the ability of mass manipulation — meaning that she need not be the same size as the person or object she wishes to mimic. For instance, Magneto is 53 years old in Apocalypse despite Michael Fassbender looking almost exactly the same as he did in First Class — which took place two decades prior. Mystique is arguably the one character who can get away with this discrepancy, as her ability to manipulate cells has given her prolonged life.

In fact, in the early s Mystique already had the appearance of a young woman, implying that she might have already been around for centuries. Plenty of comic book characters have had their powers, origins stories, and personalities reworked over the years.

F or a character as popular as Mystique, her true origin is particularly hard to pin down. Over the decades, there have been multiple variations of the character, where she has done everything from found her own chapter of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to serve as an agent of S. Mystique's origins and true allegiance might be purposefully shrouded in mystery to keep the character interesting, but it seems far more likely that Mystique's backstory is at the mercy of her current writer. X-Men: Apocalypse found the teleporting Nightcrawler returning to the big screen after appearing in X2 over a decade earlier.

Why did Mystique give special treatment to Nightcrawler while ignoring the other mutants? However, this relationship dynamic has never been fully explored in the films. In some of the earliest storylines of the character, Mystique struck up a relationship with fellow mutant Irene Adler, better known as Destiny.

Together, the two helped raise a child, and served as founding members of the revived Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The writers even had plans to take romantic relationship between Mystique and Destiny to the next level, but the Comics Code prevented them from doing so. Apparently, they wanted Mystique to transform into a man and have a biological child with Destiny. Unfortunately, these events never came to pass, and Mystique is better known for the relationships she's had with male mutants since.

Mystique has certainly had no shortage of romantic endeavors. Many people know that Mystique was involved with Magneto throughout her time on the page and screen, but few remember the fling she once had with Wolverine. Though Wolverine spends much of his time in pursuit of Mystique, it turns out that the two had crossed paths in the early s.