Politicians listen to two things, money and votes. If we work together as a community and increase voter turnout, then our state and national legislators will listen to our needs.
Education, healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, the economy, our veterans, etc. By working together to increase voter turnout, our community will benefit through job growth, better healthcare, better education, better infrastructure, a better economy, safer neighborhoods, and most importantly a better quality of life for our families. Its time to change the status quo and improve the lives of everyone we care about through voting, because our voice matters.
Even if you went to a polling location and only voted for one person, it will be counted. By law your vote has to be counted. Your ballot cannot be skipped or ignored otherwise it is unconstitutional Sometimes elections can come down to a small number of votes which greatly affects how your city, state, and nation are run.
Your vote counts, vote! People have died defending this right. When you vote, you are taking an active role in deciding issues regarding health care, immigration, equal opportunity, voting rights, infrastructure, jobs, education, social security, neighborhood safety, taxes, etc. This money can be used for education, youth programs, healthcare, veterans, creating jobs, the environment, etc. You do believe in having the right to vote, but are unsure as to whether it really will make a difference.
So, should you vote or not? Yes - if you want better healthcare, education and childcare, fairer taxation, basic income for all, good recycling facilities, better roads and transport, better local amenities because your government, national and local runs all these services and your vote in a General, Local or European Election or a Referendum will send a message about what sort of Ireland you want and expect.
Not voting is giving up your voice. It's your money. Voting is an opportunity for change. The community depends on you! Behavior Health. Preventive Care. Health News. Senior Health. Staying Fit. Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.
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Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. You cannot download interactives. Voting is a fundamental process in a democratic system. It is a chance for the citizens of a country to have a say in the people who represent them or an issue that impacts them.
Informed voting and participating in elections is one of the responsibilities of citizens of the United States.