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Name required. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. So did celebrity culture, especially in Britain, where the Young British Artists hit the galleries and the tabloid front pages.
The big theme was globalisation. That was reflected not only in the art of the time, but in the institutions that arose from it: the s was the decade when biennials, from Johannesburg to Montreal to the South Korean city of Gwangju, became central nodes in artistic production and transmission. Only a small number of the iconic artists who came of age in the s worked in traditional media: Elizabeth Peyton, say, who won renown for her delicate drawings of Kurt Cobain and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Rirkrit Tiravanija served a curry to gallery visitors, gratis. In , Jeremy Deller collaborated with a brass band in Manchester, who played acid house arranged for tubas and trombones.
I could just do these sort of events, make things happen, work with people and enjoy it. Some of the art of the s looks decidedly dated.
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