Our staff. Rules and policies. What we offer. Bell Times. Kindergarten Registration. Supporting our students. Student health and safety. School counselling service. Parents, carers and the community. Volunteering at school.
Parent-teacher interviews. Before and after school care. Kindergarten Orientation. Teaching and Learning. How can I help my child before the beginning of Kindergarten? What will school be like?
General Information. School Hours. School Uniform. Useful Links- Department of Education. Inclusive learning support. Learning at our school. Learning from home. Creative arts. Human society and its environment. Personal development, health and physical education.
Science and technology. Religion and ethics. Learning across the curriculum. Assessment and reporting. Scholarships and awards. Extra curricular activities. Sydney Soaring High with 2I. Where has Sydney Gone? Stories of Courage and Hope- Roads to Fairfield. Alphabetical Fairfield. Kindergarten Orientation Book with Sydney Fairfield.
The Schools of Promise Award program recognizes schools attaining solid student achievement in reading and math while serving a significant number of economically disadvantaged students. As an incentive to help close the achievement gaps in Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education developed the Schools of Promise program to identify, recognize and highlight schools that are making substantial progress in ensuring high achievement for all students.
High Performing Schools of Honor must have a 90 percent or better average proficiency rate over a 5-year period on the Ohio Achievement Assessments, plus meet several other criteria including: a 75 percent proficiency level for four significant subgroups on the same tests; an annual measurable objective report card grade of A, B or C; a progress grade of A, B or C on the report card; and a graduation rate over a five-year period of 90 percent or higher.
The school must also be Title 1 eligible and serve 40 percent or more economically disadvantaged students. Copy and paste this code into your website.