When is parking never permitted

When parking on a hill, set your wheels against the curb, in the appropriate direction to keep your vehicle from rolling. The Ministry of Transportation strives to be a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably to support a globally competitive economy and a high quality of life.

Skip to main content. Parking along roadways. Here are some basic parking rules: Never park on the travelled part of a road. Drive off the road onto the shoulder if you must stop for some reason. Never park on a curve, hill or anywhere you do not have a clear view for at least metres in both directions. Do not park where you will block a vehicle already parked or where you will block a sidewalk, crosswalk, pedestrian crossing or road entrance.

Do not park within three metres of a fire hydrant, on or within metres of a bridge or within six metres of a public entrance to a hotel, theatre or public hall when it is open to the public.

Do not park within nine metres of an intersection or within 15 metres if it is controlled by traffic lights. Do not park within 15 metres of the nearest rail of a level railway crossing. Do not park where you will get in the way of traffic or snow clearing. Never open the door of your parked vehicle without first making sure that you will not endanger any other person or vehicle or interfere with traffic. Take extra precautions to avoid opening a door in the path of cyclists, who often ride close to parked cars Diagram When you must open a door next to traffic, keep it open only long enough to load or unload passengers.

Diagram After parking your vehicle, always turn off the ignition and the lights, remove the key and lock the door to deter theft. Parking for people with disabilities Diagram The Accessible Parking Permit, formerly known as the Disabled Person Parking Permit, is a laminated card that may be displayed on the dashboard or turned-down sun visor of any vehicle in which a person with a disability is travelling.

There are four types of Accessible Parking Permits. A regular permit blue is issued to people with permanent disabilities and is valid for five years. Until , all individuals will need to be re-certified before renewing their permit. A temporary permit red is issued when the disability is expected to last more than two months, but is not a permanent disability. The temporary permit is not renewable. A traveller permit purple is valid for up to one year and is issued upon request to individuals who hold a valid Accessible Parking Permit and plan to fly from any Ontario airport.

The permit holder places the traveller permit on the dashboard or sun visor of their vehicle when leaving it parked at the airport. A company permit green is valid for up to five years and is issued to companies and non-profit organizations that own or lease vehicles used to transport people with physical disabilities. Parallel parking Parallel parking means parking a vehicle with its wheels parallel and next to the curb or side of the road. Diagram To parallel park on the right-hand side of the road, find a space that is about one and one-half times longer than your vehicle.

Follow these steps: Slowly and carefully reverse into the space, turning the steering wheel fully toward the curb. When you can see the outside rear corner of the vehicle in front of your space, straighten your wheels as you continue to reverse. Turn the steering wheel fully toward the road to bring your vehicle in line with the curb. If your vehicle is not parallel to the curb, drive forward to straighten. Parallel Parking Parallel parking is a driving technique which allows you to park parallel to the road in line with other parked vehicles.

Find a space. Look for a space at least 3 feet longer than your vehicle. When you find a space, signal that you intend to park. Pull your vehicle alongside the space or vehicle in front of where you intend to park. Leave approximately 2 feet between the vehicle or space next to you and stop once your rear bumper is aligned to the front of the space where you want to park. Check your rearview mirror and look over your shoulder for approaching vehicles.

Keep your foot on the brake and put the vehicle in reverse. Maintain the signal.. Lift your foot off the brake. Before backing up, check your mirrors and look over your shoulder for any hazards. Begin to back up, at approximately a 45 degree angle.

Straighten out. Begin turning the steering wheel away from the curb when your rear wheel is within 18 inches from the curb. You may need to pull forward and backward to straighten out. Your vehicle should now be parallel and no further than 18 inches from the curb. Step 1 3Bring your car to a stop alongside the car at the front of the space. Step 2 Reverse into the space with an S motion. Step 3 Once the car is parallel with the curb, pull forward to center your car within the space. Parking At Colored Curbs Painted colored curbs have the following special parking rules: White —Stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail.

Example of crosshatched diagonal lines area Placard abuse results in the loss of special parking privileges. Interchanging placards with friends or family members.

On a marked or unmarked crosswalk, sidewalk, partially blocking a sidewalk, or in front of a driveway. Within 3 feet of a sidewalk ramp for disabled persons or in front of or on a curb that provides wheelchair access to a sidewalk.

In a disabled person parking space, unless you are disabled and display a placard or disabled person license plates. In a space designated for parking or fueling zero emission vehicles that display an identifying decal, unless you are driving a zero emission vehicle that you will charge in the space. In a tunnel or on a bridge, except where permitted by signs.

Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or a fire station driveway. Between a safety zone and the curb. On the wrong side of the street. At a red curb. On a freeway, except: In an emergency. When a peace officer or device requires a stop. Where a stop is specifically permitted. You are stopped at an intersection. The traffic light just turned green. Can you go immediately? You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on your left.


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