Wells Fargo also is a sponsor of the Shubert Theater and is the sponsor behind the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce's small-business assistance center. The bank has a long history tied to this state.
The business, which started in New York, opened in in California, were many New Englanders had gone in search of gold-rush fortune. Wells Fargo, according to a company history, helped those from Connecticut transport money back to their families here. New Haven was among the places were Wells Fargo drafts could be drawn and cashed. In addition, Connecticut businesses used Wells Fargo to ship products to customers in Western states, according to the company. In Wells Fargo became the first transcontinental express company in the United States, sending customers' money, goods and valuables by mail -- until , when the federal government took over the nation's express companies amid wartime.
At that point, Wells Fargo was reduced to a single bank in San Francisco, and since then has been on a growth path. With its merger with Wachovia, the company can now trace its roots in the New Haven region back to the Savings Bank of Ansonia, which was founded in The two banks began merging in Laster, assistant vice president at Wachovia Bank in New Haven, takes down Wachovia signs at the bank, which is preparing to convert to the Wells Fargo name this week.
Wachovia also operated a large retail-oriented securities broker-dealer network through its subsidiaries, Wachovia Securities and AG Edwards, Inc. The Federal Reserve supervised Wachovia in a manner similar to other very large bank holding companies. These statutory provisions require that we rely to the fullest extent possible on the examinations of the bank, thrift, and other functionally regulated subsidiaries, such as the securities broker-dealer, conducted by the primary regulator of the entity.
The examinations conducted by the Federal Reserve are designed to review the organization's systems for managing risk across the organization and to evaluate the organization's overall financial strength. The Federal Reserve also establishes consolidated capital, liquidity, risk management, and other prudential requirements for bank holding companies. In addition, federal law gives the Federal Reserve authority to review merger and expansion proposals by bank holding companies and enforcement authority over bank holding companies and their nonbank subsidiaries, including the ability to stop or prevent a bank holding company or nonbank subsidiary from engaging in an unsafe or unsound practice.
Wachovia had been profitable continuously for more than a decade through year-end The losses also reflected, to a lesser extent, declines in the value of commercial real estate mortgages originated and held by Wachovia. This MOU was the culmination of efforts by the Federal Reserve that had been initiated earlier through our inspection process to ensure that Wachovia completed a number of steps to improve corporate governance, risk management, liquidity, capital management, and strategic planning.
The troubles at Wachovia occurred during a period of extreme financial turbulence and distress. The nation's economy was in recession, with declining housing prices and stalled economic growth. The financial system was also deteriorating quickly. On September 7, , the Federal Housing Finance Agency had placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship and the Treasury had used its authority, granted by Congress in July , to make financial support available to these two government-sponsored entities.
On September 15, Lehman Brothers had filed for bankruptcy after efforts had failed to organize private-sector assistance or arrange an acquisition by another company. The failure of Lehman Brothers ended efforts by private investors to provide liquidity to American International Group, Inc. AIG , which faced its own mounting financial difficulties.
On September 16, the Board acted to provide temporary liquidity to AIG under the emergency lending authority of section 13 3 of the Federal Reserve Act. Losses at a prominent money market mutual fund caused by the failure of Lehman Brothers sparked extensive withdrawals from a number of similar funds.
These events caused extraordinary turbulence in financial markets: equity prices dropped sharply, the costs of short-term credit spiked upward, and liquidity dried up in many markets. WaMu was the second largest holder of option ARMs at the time, and Wachovia was the largest holder of these assets.
The failure of WaMu thus raised creditor concern about the health of Wachovia. Wachovia's stock price declined sharply and credit default swap spreads on its debt surged. The day after the failure of WaMu, Wachovia Bank depositors accelerated the withdrawal of significant amounts from their accounts. In addition, wholesale funds providers withdrew liquidity support from Wachovia. It appeared likely that Wachovia would soon become unable to fund its operations.
That week, Wachovia management, which had engaged in tentative discussions with potential merger partners earlier in the month, began discussions in earnest to sell the company. On September 27 and 28, both Citigroup and Wells Fargo, the second and fifth largest banking organizations in the United States, respectively, conducted due diligence investigations of Wachovia. Both Citigroup and Wells Fargo also contacted federal regulators indicating that government assistance would be needed in connection with each of their proposed bids to acquire Wachovia.
The act also provides that the FDIC may take other actions or provide assistance that would not meet the least-cost test if the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the President, and based on the recommendation of both the board of directors of the FDIC and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve each by a vote of two-thirds of its members , determine that compliance with the least-cost requirement would have adverse effects on economic conditions or financial stability and other action or assistance would avoid or mitigate those adverse effects.
The Board of Governors and the FDIC were concerned about the systemic complications of the failure of the fourth largest bank in the United States during this fragile economic period. The Board believed that a full or partial default by Wachovia and its subsidiaries on their debt would intensify liquidity pressures on other U.
At the time, U. Investors were becoming increasingly concerned about the outlook for a number of U. At the time, Wachovia was considered "well capitalized" by regulatory standards and until very recently had not generally been thought to be in danger of failure, so there were fears that the failure of Wachovia would lead investors to doubt the financial strength of other organizations in similar situations, making it harder for those institutions to raise capital and other funding.
In addition, if a least-cost resolution did not support foreign depositors, the resolution would endanger what was a significant source of funding for several other major U. Yields on certificates of deposit and savings accounts are low, like most large financial institutions. Steeper monthly fee for the money market account unless you can maintain a certain balance.
The account has an APY much lower than the national average. The Way2Save account has a low minimum deposit required to open an account. A recurring, automatic savings option is available to waive the monthly maintenance fee. Wells Fargo offers nine terms of CDs, though it may offer more in certain markets.
Earned interest can be paid out prior to maturity. Bonus rates can apply to participants in the Portfolio by Wells Fargo program. For CDs with terms of 12 months or fewer, the early withdrawal penalty is three months of interest. The monthly fee is avoidable with direct deposits and for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage holders.
The Platinum Savings has check-writing privileges. So that account is being treated as a money market account, since typical savings accounts lack that feature. On one hand, Wells Fargo continues to suffer from customer scandals. On the other hand, the San Francisco bank continues to make a splash with its progressive digital banking features.
For example, many banks let you turn your debit card on and off from a mobile app. There are also plenty of ATM locations. The megabank has 13, ATMs to choose from and they include a personal touch, such as wishing customers happy birthday, on their birthdays. Founded in as a bank and express delivery company, Wells Fargo offers a full range of banking services, including checking accounts, savings accounts, CDs, money market accounts, mortgages and other loans.
If it's important to be able to visit a branch or use your bank's ATM nearly everywhere you go, Wells Fargo is a good fit for you. Matthew Goldberg Twitter Created with Sketch. Matthew Goldberg is a consumer banking reporter at Bankrate. He uses his banking and financial services experience to help readers with personal finance.
Nearly his entire career has either been as a reporter or working in financial services, in banking and insurance. His banking career includes being a banker in New York City. His reporting career includes working as a staff reporter at two daily newspapers.
He earned his first newspaper bylines in He chairs the organization's training committee and is on the finance committee.