When is xbmc eden out

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Home theater software XBMC has officially hit version The beta tag has been lifted off the latest iteration of XBMC with the official release of version For those in need of a dedicated turnkey solution, XBMCbuntu — a version of the software that contains an embedded operating system — is also available.

The full list of feature additions and tweaks are available in the changelog , but if you'd like to get started right away, you can download the new version now. Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week.

Software to Map Spread of Diseases Oct 01, Interview with Mark Kanok: Symantec Aug 05, Interview with David Hall: Symantec Aug 05, Opera Mini second most used browser in India, states report Nov 26, Dinosaurs Earth was home to billions of T-rex over lakhs of generations, suggests new study Apr 16, No editing arcane config files, no messing with MySQL, no balky twitchy drivers, no mysterious desynchronization of audio and video.

So having been scared away from multimedia on Linux for a while, I have to ask: Have things improved? Is it worth trying to dive into it again? There's been massive improvement from 0.

Unfortunately I'm temporarily on analog channels only, and I can't get it to find any channels - so mythtv is appearently digital only : What is the real state of multimedia on Linux? Does anybody know if one of the more recent Linux distros have it work out of the box? My Ubuntu Wholly disagree.

I've been running xbmc XBMC is very nice, and even runs on a nice low-power, totally silent ARM board like the panda I have, or the sexier cubox, and lots of things about it are very cool, but the absence of DVB-T support makes it more-or-less useless to me.

I consume most of my media through my freedom hating PS3 which works very well if your video files are of the correct MP4 variety. However my weekly dose of Zero Punctuation is a more turgid affair as the browser struggles with rendering a "Designed for PC Browser" page. Although Sony have improved the browser a little in their latest release I'm anticipating attaching a RasberryPi to the back of my telly as the main video playback device.

What's the browser like? More than a little -- they replaced NetFront with WebKit. I'm currently trying ps3mediaserver, because I just need something that can serve up video files over the network in any format without needing to mess around in XML or write transcoding scripts.

It was drop-in and go. User: Password:. XBMC 11 "Eden". Did you know? February 8, This article was contributed by Nathan Willis. Upshot is that the SD downloads are a lot smaller, therefor easier to download and store.

XBMC 11 "Eden" Posted Feb 9, UTC Thu by tajyrink subscriber, [ Link ] Actually in your linked bug report it seems most of the obstacles have been fixed by now by a person that got himself involved upstream. Sponsored Links. Been snacking on popcorn with the beta build of XBMC If, you'll be pleased know that the full-on release version is now officially available for download.


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