When was mystique born

After this he is in Sabretooth's debt and joins the Exiles. In the ultimate universe Mystique is a member of the Brotherhood, and former lover of Professor X until he left her for his student, Emma Frost.

Mystique holds a deep seated resentment for this and thus serves Magneto's goals without question. When Magneto is imprisoned after the events of Return of the King, Raven is initially seen when she teams up with Forge to take Magneto's place in his prison at the Triskelon building. She is later replaced by Mastermind and Stacy X. She next participates in an attack on the Ultimate's headquarters in order to secure the body of the deceased Scarlet Witch.

She uses her shape shifting ability to take Iron Man out of the battle by turning into the Black Widow. While using this form she nearly convinces him to commit suicide before being knocked unconscious by the Wasp.

It is also worth noting that Xavier has a cat named after Mystique because the cat wrecked his office. Emma was the one that made the suggestion.

Mystique, now using Rogue's identity, and Sabretooth seek out Jean Grey currently under the guise of Karen Grant for an as-of-yet unrevealed purpose. After Sabretooth killed Jean's current love interest, she used her powers to attack him and told Mystique to "Leave She seems to have a romantic relationshipwith Wolverine. After her memory is restored, she slaps Wolverine and then continues to fight along side the other awakened heroes.

In the Marvel Mangaverse, Mystique teams up with her son, Nightcrawler and other members of the Brotherhood. She is later killed by Storm with a lightning bolt.

The Mystique zombie disguises herself as the Scarlet Witch in order to get close enough to bite Quicksilver. Along with the Blob and Pyro, she is later destroyed by Cyclops's optic blast through the head. Mystique left the Brotherhood of Mutants to work on her own as an assassin. She is dating the Blob in this universe.

She disguised herself as lots of women throughout the time. She then had a relationship with a baron but ended after the discovery of her newly born son's mutantcy. Mystique is the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants. She is Rogue's foster mother who trained her after she left her family. She also instructed Rogue on how to absorb Ms. Marvel's abilities. For her to have Rogue back from the X-Men, she disguised as Rogue making the situations more complicated for her.

She then became a close ally of Apocalypse. Nightcrawler also seeks for her to define the real reason for her leaving him. Despite her son's love, she declined him and told him that she hasn't loved Nightcrawler since, he was the reason of the Baron for abandoning her.

She disguised as a doctor that proposes a cure but it was revealed that she only used Angel to become Apocalypse's horseman. She then disguised as Angel in his absence. She had her biggest role in the Days of Future Past story arc, where she tied up and gagged an aide working for Senator Robert Kelly. After stealing the woman's identity, she attempted to assassinate Kelly and frame the X-Men for the crime, but was thwarted by Gambit.

She was voiced by Randall Carpenter in the first two seasons, and by Jennifer Dale in all subsequent appearances. She followed Destiny's vision as Rogue was recruited by the X-Men. In order to have Rogue away from the team, she have to give Rogue a bad image of the X-Men through disguising. After being exposed to Magneto's power enhancing machine, she could shapeshift not only into humans, but also animals, change her scent and become immune to telepathy.

After bringing Apocalypse back, she was turned into stone. Her stone form was taken by the brotherhood, but Nightcrawler took the statue back to the mansion. Rogue pushed her statue off a cliff in anger and it seemed to be the end of Mystique.

In season four, she returned as a horseman of Apocalypse, with her powers greatly enhanced. She appeared to be invulnerable and could transform into multiple beings and objects.

She seemingly became normal again after Apocalypse's defeat. She was voiced by Colleen Wheeler. She first appeared infiltrating the mansion in an attempt to discover if the Professor had regained consciousness. She fought with Wolverine and hinted that he should remember her. As she fled the mansion defeated, she discovered Nightcrawler who had teleported his way across the ocean from Genosha. As Nightcrawler was attempting to alert the X-Men of Magneto's plans she knocked him out and and returned him to incarceration in Genosha.

She was later seen breaking into the MRD in order to locate and free a dangerous young mutant. Mystique appeared later to help Wolverine liberate Christie Nord, Maverick's daughter.

Wolverine slowly recalled memories where he saved Mystique from being enhanced by the Weapon X program. They were attacked by Sabretooth during their escape. Wolverine told her to run and that he would find her. After the memories returned, Wolverine approached Mystique to apologize and ask for details of his past. However, she refused to say anything since the man she loved would never return. As with all incarnations of Mystique, she is a blue-skinned metamorph with red hair. Her eyes are yellow and she still wears the skull at the parting of her hair, and prefers to wear skin-tight white trousers and a top, instead of the naked rendition from the movies.

Her power to reproduce the anatomy of others is so detailed that she can fool the retina scans of the MRD. Yet she also seems able to reproduce powers, or at least has mimicked Wolverine's heightened sense of smell.

If she is able to reproduce other mutant's powers, and given that she has a history with Weapon X, then it would seem that her powers and past are a combination of the traditional Mystique of regular continuity and that of Copycat.

She was voiced by Tamara Bernier. In a fight with Iron Man she used her Black Widow form to convince the other squad members to attack him saying he is the impostor. When she regains her senses, she traps the squad heroes in a force field as Doom arrives. While disguised as Black Widow, nearly all the squad members were showing romantic feelings for her, giving her a multitude of chocolates and flowers and Tony even asking her out to an Italian restaurant.

During her fight with Tony, she did reveal she likes Italian food. Her appearance is her comic book form, although a more cartoony style to match the rest of the series. Also in this episode, she takes on the forms of Iron Man complete with his suit's features , Falcon, Silver Surfer complete with the board, although unable to stand on it , Thor, Captain America, and even Hulk although this made her seriously clumsy due to not being used to Hulk's size and weight, although Wolverine jokes the stumbling is an improvement.

She was voiced by Masumi Asano. In the first film, Mystique, portrayed by Rebecca Romijn, has scaly skin and reptilian eyes. She can transform into humans, animals and even inanimate objects. She was also able to grow claws, and may have a healing factor though she still retains scars, perhaps by choice.

She is able to mimic retinal patterns and fingerprints exactly. She also is a highly agile and expert fighter, seemingly better than Wolverine.

Mystique abducts Senator Kelly in the film after taking the form of his personal aide, Henry Gyrich , before revealing her true form and knocking him unconscious. Near the end of the film, on Liberty Island, Mystique mimics a stone statue and assaults Wolverine. Although Wolverine possesses superior strength, Mystique uses her superior speed and dexterity to outwit him before leaving the area by climbing upside-down on a pipe.

She later over estimates her abilities when she takes Storm's form while attempting to trick Wolverine. He quickly sees through her guise and stabs her in the stomach. When authorities arrive, she takes the form of a police officer allowing her to receive medical aid. She is then seen at the end of the movie to have successfully taken the place of the deceased Senator Kelly. Mystique returns in the sequel , playing a larger role. Rebecca Romijn reprises her role.

Because of her further impersonation of Senator Kelly, Mystique is able to find information on classified government information, which holds the location and information on Magneto's prison. Mystique helps to break him out by injecting a guard with iron-bearing fluid.

At the end of the movie, both she and Magneto escape Alkali Lake after setting into motion an event that could cause the destruction of humanity. Rebecca Romijn reprises her role as Mystique. It is here that they reveal that her true name is Raven Darkholme, although she refuses to answer to her "slave name" ever since her family tried to kill her. She is later freed by Magneto but was shot with the mutant "cure" and turns her into a human. Magneto then abandons her, saying that she is no longer one of them anymore.

She gives the government information on Magneto's whereabouts. However, when soldiers reach the base, they find Multiple Man's decoys. It is unknown if this was all part of Magneto's plan or if she truly did it out of anger. It is also not known whether her powers returned or not, as Magneto's seem to begin returning at the film's end. Here, she was depicted as being a runaway child who broke into Charles Xavier 's house to feed herself, and shapeshifted into his mother, only to be found out as an imposter via his strong telepathic abilities.

Charles took Raven in as a foster sister. Ashamed of her appearance, Mystique spends most of the events seen in the film disguised as a young blonde woman. Her opinions began to change when she met Erik Lehnsherr, who tells her that she need not be ashamed. She also seems to harbor an attraction to Beast , but becomes disgusted with him after he expresses a desire to develop a "cure" to rid himself of his mutant powers.

When the X-Men go to Cuba to stop an impending war between the United States and the Soviet Union, Mystique was ordered to stay in the fallen jet and to keep it safe from intruders. She eventually does this by ordering Azazel to stop what he was doing in the form of Sebastian Shaw, only for Beast to be able to knock him out. Following the battle between the X-Men and the Hellfire Club, after Charles Xavier is shot and paralyzed, he tells Mystique that if she truly wants to go with Erik, she should do so.

Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as Raven. The opening of the film takes place in the year , where Sentinels have exterminated most of the mutant population and taken over the planet. The elderly Charles Xavier explains that the Sentinel program began in , when Mystique assassinated industrialist Bolivar Trask , which not only led to a major wave of anti-mutant paranoia, but also sent her down the path of villainy that led to her depiction as a remorseless killer in the original films.

Kitty Pryde sends Wolverine back in time to prevent Mystique from killing Trask, thus preventing the Sentinels from ever being created. In , Mystique sets out to murder Trask, who is responsible for the deaths of Azazel and the other members of the Brotherhood. The young versions of Charles and Magneto argue what to do, with Magneto wanting to kill her, and Charles arguing that there is still some good in her and that she can be redeemed. Posing as a North Vietnamese general the real general had been knocked out and subdued , she nearly shoots Trask, but is stopped and nearly executed by Magneto.

With Beast's intervention, Mystique escapes and attempts to kill Trask again during the Sentinel unveiling ceremony on the White House lawn, but is once again prevented from doing so when Magneto hijacks the Sentinels and tries to kill president Richard Nixon. In a surprise move, Mystique rescues Nixon and shoots Magneto on national television, and after an emotionally intense standoff, is persuaded by Charles to spare Trask's life.

This results in the timeline being drastically changed, and the apocalyptic future Wolverine hailed from being erased. Mystique then leaves for parts unknown, and rescues the young Wolverine from drowning. At the beginning of the film, she rescues Nightcrawler from a mutant fight club in East Berlin, and arranges for him to be transported back to America. At the end of the film, Mystique and Beast prepare to train the new X-Men. Early on in the film, Mystique is accidentally killed by Phoenix when the X-Men confront her.

Her death causes major tensions within the team, leading to Beast partnering with Magneto to try and kill Phoenix. Mystique first appeared disguised as Professor Xavier between the 5th and 6th stages of the game.

She is a boss on the 7th stage in the form of Magneto, and attacks the player with punches and kicks that are far faster than the original Magneto. She initially appears as a boss character in the first game, but she can be unlocked as a playable fighter after completing the game twice.

Due to the difficulties of translating Mystique's shapeshifting abilities to a fighting game, the series downplays those powers in favor of focusing on her martial arts abilities.

She also wields a large energy rifle, which is used in the majority of her special moves. Mystique appeared in both installments of the game, first appearing in the introduction trying to kidnap Magma , and then as the first main boss. In the second game Mystique appears in the intro with Magneto and Sabretooth helping to release Xavier from his imprison. Later, she asks the team for help finding Destiny, who fled to the Savage Land in order to escape an attack by Apocalypse.

She has special dialogue with Rogue upon entering of Savage Land jungle. When she finds out that Destiny is kept prisoner by Garrok, she attacks him and finally rescues Destiny.

Mystique appears as a non-playable character in the video game adaptation of X-Men Origins: Wolverine though she is not present in the film itself. However, when she objects to William Stryker 's plan to massacre innocent civilians to get the metal, Stryker orders John Wraith to kill her.

Wraith instead spares her life, causing a bond to form between the two. Years later, she helps Wolverine rescue Wraith from the Project: Wideawake facility, where he is being held captive by Bolivar Trask.

It is revealed that the two have become lovers, and that she is pregnant with his child. The baby is heavily hinted to be Nightcrawler, with the implication that he inherited his teleportation powers from Wraith. She was voiced by Anna Grave. Mystique is featured as a boss in several mission in the game. She is frequently seen in charge of the Brotherhood of Mutants. She is an infiltrator class character. A mutant shapeshifter able to assume any humanoid appearance, Raven Darkholme achieved top-secret Defense Department clearance and used it to steal technology for the use of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

She is also mother to the X-Men's Nightcrawler. Raven Darkholme, a mutant shapeshifter able to assume any humanoid appearance and one of the key members of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Mystique appears first as a boss in several missions. After a while, she became one of the villians released as a playable character. She is voiced by Laura Bailey. Description: This dangerous foe of the X-Men is a stealthy shapeshifter. They call her Mystique is featured in the mobile card game "X-Men: Battle of the Atom" based on the comic book story with the same name. Her cards are:. Her bio in the game says: Mysteriously ageless, Mystique has been involved in global espionage since the dawn of the 20th century.

She can take the form of anyone, making her a master of deception. In recent times she's been employed by Magneto, although who can say what her real agenda is? She's never been one to play any side but her own.

Mystique appears as a boss character in the third Ultimate Alliance game, voiced by Sumalee Montano. She is once again depicted as a member of Magneto's Brotherhood, and participates in the attack on the Xavier Institute.

In , Mystique was added to the popular Fortnite battle royale game as part of Nexus War , a crossover between Marvel and Epic Games. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:.

Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Mystique appears in issues View all. Character Creation Mystique's first appearance was in Ms. Origin Shapeshifter Raven Darkholme, otherwise known as Mystique, has a very convoluted history about which very little is known, the exception being that she is over a century old and was most likely born somewhere in Austria.

Character Evolution Mystique and Wolverine In the s, Mystique encountered the Canadian mutant Wolverine when he joined her gang of mutant pick-pockets. Raven Raven married Christian Wagner. She killed his father when he tried to reveal her illegitimate and unborn mutant son Kurt soon discovered that she was pregnant, although Wagner became immediately suspicious. Mystique's Brotherhood While still raising Anna Marie, Raven had concealed her mutant abilities so well that she was able to work for the United States Civil Service and eventually worked her way up to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency DARPA in the United States Department of Defense, giving her access to military secrets and advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes.

Without sympathy, Mystique was sent to prison where she eventually escaped. No, we're not buying it either. To be fair, a lot of characters who debuted in X-Men: Apocalypse are more age appropriate, including Tye Sheridan's Cyclops who was a teen in the film's setting. This would make him in his 20s in Dark Phoenix , an age we can totally get on board with and one that fits with the actor's actual age.

Same goes for Sophie Turner, who reprised her role as the central figure of the latest and last X-Men instalment and whose birth year is said to be somewhere in the late '60s. If Apocalypse is set in , this would make her a teen in this timeline and in her 20s in Dark Phoenix. The actress is 23 IRL, meaning the film has only aged her by a couple of years at most. Alexandra Shipp returned as the superhuman cape-wearer in Dark Phoenix , joining her former classmates to become a pivotal figure in the handling of Jean Grey when she is corrupted by the mysterious cosmic force.

Since Shipp is 27, there are no burning questions to her character's age, which is said to be somewhere in the late 20s. Also joining the team on the space mission gone awry was Kodi Smit-McPhee who once again starred as Nightcrawler. Just like his mutant pals, the on-screen iteration of the character was born in the '60s, making him something in Dark Phoenix — a close match to his actual age of Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features?

Type keyword s to search. The fact that the characters don't seem to age. Related Story. X-Men Collection [Blu-ray]. Disney amazon. In , Mystique made her big screen debut in X-Men , where she was cast as the mostly silent sidekick of Magneto — something she was not necessarily known for in the comics. Ever since the prequel series came out, Mystique has graduated from a sidekick to key player.

In Days of Future Past , she was even the mutant most responsible for resetting the entire series timeline. Mystique has since become a beacon of hope for mutants everywhere. How much do you really know about the character from both the page and screen?

Everyone knows that Mystique can change the cells in her body to look and sound like anyone she desires. This also includes manipulating her cells to mimic non-organic materials, such as clothing and accessories. You might not have known that this ability has also granted her the power of youth and regenerative healing. Mystique has even been known to regrow limbs and survive what otherwise would have been fatal injuries, similarly to Deadpool and Wolverine.

Throughout her time in the comics, Mystique's powers have also been buffed to include everything from night vision to poison resistance. She has also been granted the ability of mass manipulation — meaning that she need not be the same size as the person or object she wishes to mimic. For instance, Magneto is 53 years old in Apocalypse despite Michael Fassbender looking almost exactly the same as he did in First Class — which took place two decades prior. Mystique is arguably the one character who can get away with this discrepancy, as her ability to manipulate cells has given her prolonged life.

In fact, in the early s Mystique already had the appearance of a young woman, implying that she might have already been around for centuries. Plenty of comic book characters have had their powers, origins stories, and personalities reworked over the years.

F or a character as popular as Mystique, her true origin is particularly hard to pin down. Over the decades, there have been multiple variations of the character, where she has done everything from found her own chapter of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to serve as an agent of S. Mystique's origins and true allegiance might be purposefully shrouded in mystery to keep the character interesting, but it seems far more likely that Mystique's backstory is at the mercy of her current writer. X-Men: Apocalypse found the teleporting Nightcrawler returning to the big screen after appearing in X2 over a decade earlier.

Why did Mystique give special treatment to Nightcrawler while ignoring the other mutants? However, this relationship dynamic has never been fully explored in the films. In some of the earliest storylines of the character, Mystique struck up a relationship with fellow mutant Irene Adler, better known as Destiny.

Together, the two helped raise a child, and served as founding members of the revived Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The writers even had plans to take romantic relationship between Mystique and Destiny to the next level, but the Comics Code prevented them from doing so. Apparently, they wanted Mystique to transform into a man and have a biological child with Destiny. Unfortunately, these events never came to pass, and Mystique is better known for the relationships she's had with male mutants since.

Mystique has certainly had no shortage of romantic endeavors. Many people know that Mystique was involved with Magneto throughout her time on the page and screen, but few remember the fling she once had with Wolverine. Though Wolverine spends much of his time in pursuit of Mystique, it turns out that the two had crossed paths in the early s.


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