When do larvitar evolve

As mentioned, the Larvitar family, specifically Tyranitar, seem to have a close relation to Godzilla. However, Larvitar itself is thought to be based more closely on the Tarasque, a strange turtle-like demon from Japanese myth and legend. The legend of the Tarasque says that it eats mountains and other objects, and looks somewhat like a defensive turtle-like monster.

This would match perfectly with the lore around Larvitar and Pupitar, as well as their hard-as-rock appearance and design. However, this is still cool for one reason: it's unique. What's strange about the Pupitar line is that they seem to adopt elements of both dinosaurs and insects, but aren't directly based on one or the other. However, their voracious eating as a larva until they enter a pupal stage and some of their design elements point to insects.

It seems they're meant to be a combination of the two. Michael is an editor at TheGamer. Pokemon GO Larvitar Evolutions. Pupitar First Evolution - Stage 2. Tyranitar Final Evolution - Stage 3. Best Moveset. Weak Against Fighting. Strong Against Flying. Super Effective Against 1. Not Very Effective Against 0. Max CP Bullet seed. Water gun. Larvitar Trade Cost.

They will double the number of candies you get from a successful capture. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Larvitar will find one candy every 5 kilometres 5, m. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Written by:.

Darlene Antonelli, MA. Co-authors: 3. Updated: April 4, Categories: Pokemon Video Games. Article Summary X 1. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 11, times. Did this article help you? Gold It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow. Silver It is born deep underground. It can't emerge until it has entirely consumed the soil around it.

Ruby Larvitar is born deep under the ground. Sapphire Larvitar is born deep under the ground. FireRed It is born deep underground. LeafGreen It feeds on soil. Emerald A Larvitar is born deep under the ground. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow. HeartGold It feeds on soil. SoulSilver It is born deep underground. X It feeds on soil.

After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow. Y Born deep underground, it comes aboveground and becomes a pupa once it has finished eating the surrounding soil.

Omega Ruby Larvitar is born deep under the ground. Alpha Sapphire Larvitar is born deep under the ground. Ultra Sun Born underground, it eats its way through dirt to the surface, where its parents are. Sword Born deep underground, it comes aboveground and becomes a pupa once it has finished eating the surrounding soil. Shield It feeds on soil. Generation VII. Contest Cat. Generation II. Universal Conquest Wiki. Gold and Silver. Silver Day , Celadon Game Corner. Ruby and Sapphire.

FireRed and LeafGreen. Diamond and Pearl. HeartGold and SoulSilver. Safari Zone , Mt.


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