When do you pick armenian cucumber

One Armenian Cucumber cut lengthwise and spoon out the seeds. Cucumber pests include aphids and cucumber beetles small lime green beetles with black spots. The most common disease is powdery mildew leaves have a white, powdery appearance. The pests and powdery mildew can be treated with organic neem oil sprayed on the plants mix as recommended on the bottle.

Never store neem oil, always use it fresh. Make sure there is a drain hole in the pot and fill it with loamy potting soil. Put the pot in a location off the ground. Sprinkle the tiny seeds over the surface of the soil. Then gently firm the soil with your hand and water the soil well with a mister bottle or the mist setting on a water hose. Water well. Continue to check on your plants daily and mist them whenever the soil begins to dry. Moist soil is crucial for germination. Continue to mist your plants until they are at least an inch tall.

Then you can water with the gentle shower setting without blasting the tiny plants out of the soil. Shake well and add to a spray bottle.

Spray the plant in the evening, when sunlight is not shining on the leaves. The seeds are very hard to find. I used to plant them every year. They are the bast for cucumber salads! Nice website name. I grow dozens of melons grown immature as cucumbers, just like the Armenian cucumber.

Let me know if you would like to try something that grows just as easily, produces faster and tastes much better. I call it the Striped Carosello Leccese. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Welcome to the Experiential Gardener community. To join us go to our registration page. Rebecca May 1, 2 Comments. When to Plant Armenian Cucumbers in Texas. I've ordered this item for years from Pinetree. It does well growing here in the Upper Midwest, zone 4 zone 3 pre What I enjoy most is the eatin' - this 'Armenian' strain is very much preferred over 'Armenian' able to be had at big-box stores. The lighter one somehow is more refreshing in summer than most cukes, If there's one thing I must have from Pinetree it's 'Armenian'.

Popular Collections. Gardening Books. Cook Books. Gift Sets. Gift Cards. W Armenian Cucumber Heirloom, 90 Days. Add to Cart Middle Eastern Heirloom pre Customer Reviews Based on 4 reviews Write a review. Customer Reviews. Customer Photos. Reviews Questions.

Title of Review. How was your overall experience? Do you recommend this product? Go for a well-draining, loose soil, rich in organic matter and a pH between 5. You can also mix equal parts of potting soil, peat moss, compost, and perlite. Side dressing the pot compost and manure during flowering will also help. Prior to growing Armenian cucumbers, amending the soil with compost and manure would be a good idea. For the best fruits, make sure that you are keeping the plant well-watered.

Strike the right balance of watering so that the soil is never dry and always moist. The best method to follow is to touch the top inches of soil with your finger. If it feels dry, water the plant well. Mulching will help to slow down the water evaporation. To allow maximum production, use a balanced feed like during the initial growth.

Once the plant starts to flower, use low nitrogen with high potassium and phosphorus feed after a week, and then once every weeks. Do follow the instructions on the label for dosage.

Be careful of spotted cucumber beetles. They can destroy the plant in no time. Simply handpick and squish them or use insecticidal soap to get rid of them. To keep the plant safe from diseases, use carbaryl or pyrethrum organic control. The right time to harvest the plant is when the cucumbers grow inches long.


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